Zeist Winter Edit '10 from Sean on Vimeo.
eindelijk mijn CE komt inzicht! en daarmee komen de laatste tijd ook allerlei herinneringen omhoog vooral uit zeist! vooral het skatePark! Nanke Martijn-skinny Valentijn Kasper koeleman Maarten Teuntje Tarek, en de rest van de malloten. klinkt misschien gay maar ik mis die mensen echt, en daarom heb ik besloten deze zomer daar veel te zijn. jongens ik kom terug!
EDEN from Sean Mullens on Vimeo.
If I had allot of money and I say allot I would take All my friends to a place like this and just chill.
that's al.
Skateboardanimation from Tilles Singer on Vimeo.
if you're in to boarding or if you're not, it doesn't matter because what this kid or guy made is just really good! He did A great job. If he told me it would be the intro of the next CIRCA or ELEMENT video I Would have believed him! this is GOOD
Sonar from Renaud Hallée on Vimeo.
this is truly amazing! if you are in a state the you can see beyond the obvious then this is going to be the trip of your life the sounds are so intense en the movements are so in sync it's crazy I felt totally free and careless while watching this!
SteadyGuy realises the abundance of quality street wear out there by talented independent designers/labels and acts to link those who appreciate urban lifestyle infused fashion and such designers/labels. SteadyGuy aims to bring fashion that crosses the borders of street wear, art, design and creativity inspired by ideas stemming from Britain and Europe's street culture.
The philosophy that SteadyGuy operates from has stemmed from founder Justin's roots in the worlds of urban lifestyle, street wear, sneaker culture, design, textile printing, art and photography. All this together with a general dislike of how the person on the street has had his creativity, freedom, comfort and style has been taken away by mass produced, uniform like fashion being churned out by today's high street.
Steadyguy will not have tons of brands available for our customers just for the sake of it. We only put on and support brands and products that have inspired designs, textures, stories and substance rather than prioritising mass appeal and this ethos will be reflected in what we do.
Don't forget my generosity. As blogged by countless contrarian hipsters. Download it at |
Chess Cat aka Chilly Gonzales challenges The World aka You to a game of ONLINE CHESS !! CHECK MATE the CHESS CAT ![]() | |
Don’t forget the BLOOMSBURY BALLROOM AFTER PARTY : The first 150 people to sign-up for it are invited Thursday April 15 at Milan’s Teatro Franco Parenti Wednesday April 12 at Geneva's Alhambra Theater Thursday May 13 at Berlin’s Babylon Theater Thursday May 20 at Liverpool’s Alma de Cuba More TBA… Geneva, Amsterdam… |
The first online social fashion-tagged music video in the world featuring 100 Diesel lovers
When they heard the first rumours about the possibility of being part of the cast of the SS’10 music catalogue video, they applied in mass. Diesel Facebook and Twitter pages have been on the brink of crash in the last two months: thousand of fans submitted their idea of Being Stupid using videos, images and drawings demonstrating (everybody of course in his own stupid way) how far they were willing to come to be part of the show!
And the challenge was really appealing: to be featured in the first ever online social fashion-tagged music video!
Inspired by Luc Godart’s “Bande à Part” movie, the video features the 100 lucky selected people doing the famous dance in a very Diesel stupid way. Created by the Diesel Creative team in partnership with agency Anomaly, the video is directed by French-born director Arno Salters; thanks to a special stop-motion technique, the music lovers featured rapidly change, along with their clothes, all while appearing to continue to smoothly follow the choreography of the dance. The film doubles as the debut video for breaking musical talent Josep Xorto, featuring the singer’s forthcoming track A Hundred Lovers.
Officially launched on www.diesel.com on March 26th, the video is fully interactive (of course!): you can pause it, rolling over individual items to get further product information and buy them online and also find info about the people featured, linking to their activities and interests on their social network personal pages. Play now on: www.diesel.com/ahundredlovers!
Isn’t this a downright social media product revolution?
You can’t outsmart stupid – so don’t try. Long live stupid.
To die for Christian Dior sandals. Chic black leather with quilted effect top section. Women's Shoes? It's always gotta be designer, girl.
To die for DKNY loafers. Hip white leather, perforated front and stitching detail. Men's Shoes? Make yours designer this summer.
Urban Fashion & Cute Pets Coming Together To Support Cheap Pet Insurance For Our Furry Friends